Vocational Opportunities with Instruction and Community Experiences for Students

The VOICES program offers courses that are designed to teach functional academic skills and life skills that target building independence. It is our goal for students to apply these functional skills to the real activities that they encounter in their everyday lives. These functional skills are taught using standards-based modified curriculum and are learned and applied in a variety of environments. The VOICES instruction occurs in both classroom and community settings.

  1. Be ready to learn
  2. Have a positive attitude
  3. Treat others with respect
  4. Be a team player
  5. Bring wallet, ID, and planner to school every day

The VOICES teachers and staff utilize the following strategies:

  • Whole group instruction
  • Small group instruction
  • 1:1 instruction (as necessary)
  • Cooperative learning activities
  • Hands-on learning opportunities
  • Repetition of instruction
  • Use of visual supports (pictures, daily schedules, realia, etc.)
  • Immediate feedback and specific praise for targeted skill/behavior
  • Token economy to support student behavior
  • Scaffolding activities to build confidence and independence
  • Modeling desired behaviors
  • Role playing
  • Exposure to and use of technology
  • Community-Based Instruction (CBI)