Mission and Vision
Pride Since 1959
Westminster High School is one of six comprehensive high schools in the Huntington Beach Union High School District. Founded in 1959 and situated on approximately 57.1 acres, Westminster High maintains a British theme that parallels the City of Westminster design. The school also has a five-acre working farm and a successful agricultural sciences program.
Our school is proud of its diverse student population. Of our 2,600 students, approximately 49% are Hispanic/Latino, 40% are Asian, 5% White, 2% American Indian, 0.2% Pacific Islander, 0.1% Filipino, and 2% African-American. Twenty-four percent of our student body is English Learners, coming from homes that speak twelve languages. Additionally, 11% of our students receive Special Education services and 73% of our students qualify for free or reduced-priced lunches.
Schoolwide Learning Objectives
Prepare for College and Career
Read and Write Daily
Inquire and Collaborate
Demonstrate Digital Literacy
Engage in School Culture
Our Vision:
Develop globally responsible and empowered citizens.
Our Mission:
Engage students through a rigorous curriculum and diverse extracurricular experiences by cultivating a positive school culture.