Family-School Compact
Schools, families, and students benefit when they all take collective responsibility for quality education. When a partnership exists and each partner fulfills his/her responsibilities,
student learning improves. The term school community refers to teachers, students, families, other school staff and community members. The signatures below indicate our
support of and commitment to the following responsibilities:
Administrative Responsibilities
- Through collaborative decision making, create with the involvement of staff, families, students and the community, a compelling school vision and quality educational program with high standards that are widely understood and embraced by the school community.
- Provide instructional leadership to ensure appropriate instructional practices, high academic standards, student support, and the delivery of a quality core curriculum to all students.
- Provide a safe, orderly and positive teaching/learning environment.
- Provide appropriate professional development for staff, families and students to improve teaching and learning and to support collaborative partnerships with families and the community
- Maintain open two-way communication between the home and school by providing parents access to staff and encouraging parents to participate in and observe the educational program.
- Respect the school, students, staff and families.
Teacher Responsibilities
- Through collaborative decision making with colleagues, families and students, create a school vision and quality educational program with high standards that are widely understood and embraced by the school community.
- Endeavor to motivate my students to learn. Provide appropriate and varied classroom instruction that actively involves students; maintain high standards within each subject.
- Provide a safe, orderly, and caring classroom environment conducive to learning.
- Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning and support the formation of partnerships with families and the community.
- Establish two-way communication with families about student progress in school and facilitate the observation of the educational program by parents.
- Respect the school, students, staff, and families.
Family Responsibilities
- Through collaborative decision making, participate with school staff and students in creating a compelling school vision and quality educational program with high standards that are widely understood and embraced by the school community.
- Communicate the value of education, and provide home support and monitoring of student academic work and progress in school.
- Establish a schedule with my student for study time, TV viewing, peer activities and out-of-school time.
- Participate in training opportunities with staff that help to improve teaching and learning both at home and at school.
- Communicate regularly with the school.
- Respect the school, staff, students, and families
Student Responsibilities
- Through collaborative decision making, participate with parents and school staff in creating a compelling school vision and quality educational program with high standards that are widely understood and embraced by the school community.
- Produce quality work that meets the high standards of each class.
- Attend school regularly, on time, and with completed homework. Follow agreed upon schedule and home/school rules.
- Participate in school activities with my parents and teachers that help to improve teaching and learning both at home and at school.
- Tell parents honestly what is happening at school and help to maintain two-way communication.
- Respect the school, staff, students, and families.