NO SCHOOL - CAMPUS CLOSED 12/20-12/31 WHS will be closed for the Winter BreakDecember 20th, 2021 to December 31st, 2021Happy Holidays!
Lions Place 1st in Samsung Competition Congratulations to WHS MERITS for being back to back to back state winners for the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Competition.
Meals for HBUHSD families this holiday season Thank you to the Phamily Foundation, CrossPoint Church, Robyne's Nest, Free Life Community Church and others for their generous donations of food and other necessities.
Westminster MERITS students placed first at the 2021 STEM on the Sidelines competition Westminster MERITS students placed first at the 2021 STEM on the Sidelines competition hosted by the Los Angeles Chargers
Luke Gane as the 21st Anaheim Duck Edison alum and now Westminster teacher was honored at the Anaheim Ducks' season opener last week for his outstanding character and significant contributions within his community.
PAPER Tutoring - FREE - 24/7 Students, do you need extra support in your classes? Each student has access to 1:1 online tutoring. Click here to get started.
Westminster football makes history WHS Lions play their fifth game this season versus Magnolia High School, winning 14-0. Their record is now 5-0 for the first time ever!
50,000 lbs of Westminster farm produce donated to OC food bank All students and staff at Westminster High School participated in their annual Harvest Day on Friday, September 17th.
Female kickers on westminster football team These girls can kick not only soccer balls, but footballs too! Click here to read more of the OC Register article.
Edison CIBACS take student-planned trip to Boston A unique learning experience for our high school students and a look into the Center for International Business and Communication Studies program.