ASB Constitution
of the Associated Student Body of Westminster High School
We, The Associated Student Body of Westminster High School, in order to promote academic and social excellence, to create a positive environment with an emphasis on recognition, achievement, and involvement, to commit to the betterment of each individual as well as the school as a whole, do ordain and establish this constitution.
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Associated Student Body of Westminster High School.
Section 2. The mascot of Westminster High School shall be the Lion.
Section 3. Red, black, and white shall be the official colors of Westminster High School.
Section 2. The mascot of Westminster High School shall be the Lion.
Section 3. Red, black, and white shall be the official colors of Westminster High School.
Section 1. All regularly enrolled students and all staff members of Westminster High School are members of the Associated Student Body.
Section 2. Honorary membership in the Associated Student Body of Westminster High School may be conferred by a two-thirds vote of the House of Lords.
Section 2. Honorary membership in the Associated Student Body of Westminster High School may be conferred by a two-thirds vote of the House of Lords.
Section 1. The Principal, as the representative to the Board of Trustees, is directly responsible for the welfare of the school. All student power, therefore, is delegated by the Principal and may be revoked in part or whole by the Principal at any time.
Governing Body
Section 1. The governing body of the Associated Student Body shall be composed of one group entitled the House of Lords.
Section 2. House of Lords shall be composed of the Prime Minister, Chancellor, Exchequer, Minister of Records, Class Presidents, Class Vice Presidents, Minister of Athletics, Minister of Clubs,Minister of Commons, Minister of Dances, Minister of Education, Minister of Elections, Ministers at Large, Minister of Pep, Minister of Public Relations, Minister of Publicity, Minister of Rallies, Minister of Technology, as well as any new positions determined by the Executive Board.
Section 3. The order of succession to the officer of Prime Minister shall be as follows:
Chancellor, Minister of Records, and Exchequer.
Section 4. No order of succession for the following positions: Class Presidents, Class Vice Presidents, Minister of Athletics, Minister of Clubs, Minister of Commons, Minister of Dances, Minister of Education, Minister of Elections, Ministers at Large, Minister of Pep, Minister of Public Relations, Minister of Publicity, Minister or Rallies, Minister of Technology.
Section 5. Anytime a list of House of Lords is distributed, it shall be in alphabetical order by office, with the exception of the Prime Minister and the offices that succeed it.
Section 6. The cabinet shall be comprised of the Prime Minister and the four class presidents.
Section 2. House of Lords shall be composed of the Prime Minister, Chancellor, Exchequer, Minister of Records, Class Presidents, Class Vice Presidents, Minister of Athletics, Minister of Clubs,Minister of Commons, Minister of Dances, Minister of Education, Minister of Elections, Ministers at Large, Minister of Pep, Minister of Public Relations, Minister of Publicity, Minister of Rallies, Minister of Technology, as well as any new positions determined by the Executive Board.
Section 3. The order of succession to the officer of Prime Minister shall be as follows:
Chancellor, Minister of Records, and Exchequer.
Section 4. No order of succession for the following positions: Class Presidents, Class Vice Presidents, Minister of Athletics, Minister of Clubs, Minister of Commons, Minister of Dances, Minister of Education, Minister of Elections, Ministers at Large, Minister of Pep, Minister of Public Relations, Minister of Publicity, Minister or Rallies, Minister of Technology.
Section 5. Anytime a list of House of Lords is distributed, it shall be in alphabetical order by office, with the exception of the Prime Minister and the offices that succeed it.
Section 6. The cabinet shall be comprised of the Prime Minister and the four class presidents.
Section 1. The meetings of the House of Lords shall be held during a specified leadership period. The meetings shall be called by the presiding officer of the House of Lords respectively with the consent of the Assistant Principal of Activities or a designated alternate.
Section 2. A quorum for all meetings of the House of Lords shall consist of two-thirds of its membership. Without a quorum, no business may be transacted.
Section 2. A quorum for all meetings of the House of Lords shall consist of two-thirds of its membership. Without a quorum, no business may be transacted.
Section 1. The elected officers to the Associated Student Body shall be the Prime Minister, Chancellor, Exchequer, Minister of Records and the Class Presidents and Vice Presidents of each class.
Section 2. All ASB and class elections should be completed by the fourth week of fourth quarter. Freshman class officers should be appointed during the fourth quarter.
Section 2. All ASB and class elections should be completed by the fourth week of fourth quarter. Freshman class officers should be appointed during the fourth quarter.
Inter-Class Assembly
Section 1. The Inter-Class Assembly (ICA) shall be a body composed of all the class officers from the various grade levels.
Section 2. The representatives will discuss and share ideas for the betterment of all the classes.
Section 3. The ICA shall meet at or when needed to enact business.
Section 4. The Senior Class president shall call and preside over these meetings.
Section 2. The representatives will discuss and share ideas for the betterment of all the classes.
Section 3. The ICA shall meet at or when needed to enact business.
Section 4. The Senior Class president shall call and preside over these meetings.
House of Commons
Section 1. Two student representatives from each fourth period class shall be elected to become a part of the House of Commons.
Section 2. There shall be a House of Commons meeting held once a month as chaired by the Minister of Commons of the House of Lords.
Section 3. Elected members to the House of Commons shall provide a report of student activities back to their fourth period class and submit feedback to the Minister of Commons.
Section 2. There shall be a House of Commons meeting held once a month as chaired by the Minister of Commons of the House of Lords.
Section 3. Elected members to the House of Commons shall provide a report of student activities back to their fourth period class and submit feedback to the Minister of Commons.
Recall Procedure
Section 1. Upon the indictment, the office may be declared vacant, by the Prime Minister or the Assistant Principal of Activities.
Section 2. In the event an office shall be declared vacant, the House of Lords may, within thirty days call a special election to fill the said office if necessary, or office may be filled by appointment by the cabinet.
Section 2. In the event an office shall be declared vacant, the House of Lords may, within thirty days call a special election to fill the said office if necessary, or office may be filled by appointment by the cabinet.
Section 1. Amendments to this constitution may originate in the House of Lords or by a sub-committee and ratified by a majority vote of those members of the student body voting. All amendments shall be referred at the general elections assembly. Amendments may also be proposed by petition signed.
Special Enactment
Section 1. This Constitution and by-laws shall be effective when ratified by the Westminster High School House of Lords. A majority vote of two-thirds is necessary for ratification.
Section 2. All rules and regulations, which are contrary to this Constitution and by-laws, are null and void.
Section 2. All rules and regulations, which are contrary to this Constitution and by-laws, are null and void.
Removal From Office
Section 1. Removal: Upon approval from the Assistant Principal of Activities, any officer may be considered for removal of office for just reasons. A petitioning body of fifteen percent of the ASB may request the removal of an officer. The recommendation must be approved by two-thirds of the House of Lords and approved by the Assistant Principal of Activities or the Principal.
Section 2. Attendance: Any officer absent from twenty percent of the leadership classes and failure to participate in general House of Lords related activities and work sessions may be subject to dismissal with a majority vote of House of Lords, with the approval of the Assistant Principal of Activities Advisor or the Principal.
Section 3. Conduct: Any incidents involving drugs or alcohol will result in removal of office. Failure to fulfill the duties of office, fighting, using obscene language, extreme changes in behavior, open defiance of school authorities, forgery, or vandalism will result in probation or removal from office.
Section 4. Grades: Any House of Lords member whose grade point average falls below a 2.5 (excluding P.E. classes) or receives an “F” on any semester grade report will be placed on probation on the following quarter. If deficiencies are not corrected, the House of Lords member will be removed from office at the probation quarter.
Section 5. Vacancy: See Article 9: Recall Procedure.