ASB Code of Conduct


  • As a member of WHS ASB, I will lead by example and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA computed on a 4.0 scale.
  • I will maintain excellent citizenship, discipline and attendance records; failure to do so will result in probation, suspension or termination from ASB at the discretion of the ASB Director and AP of Activities.


  • I will lead by example and uphold the constitution as a member of the Westminster High School Associated Student Body.
  • I will lead by example with my behavior in and out of school: be a leader all the time.
  • I will lead by example and cooperate with and respect the ASB Executive Board, the ASB Director, and the AP of Activities, and all other staff and students on our campus.
  • I will lead by example on campus by abiding by school and classroom rules, procedures, and expectations of conduct.
  • I will lead by example and adhere to all school and district rules regarding the use of chemical substances or stimulants, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vapes, etc., at all times, on and off campus.
  • I will lead by example and display good sportsmanship and serve as an ambassador for Westminster High School at all times.
  • I will lead by example and attend required ASB sponsored events including, but not limited to dances, special events, assemblies, lunchtime activities, games of the week, assigned varsity games, and others directed by the ASB Executive Board, ASB Director, and AP of Activities.
  • I understand that if I am suspended from WHS, I will be suspended from ASB for the same period of time.
  • I understand that I will be assigned and expected to execute tasks by the ASB Executive Board, ASB Director, and the AP of Activities.
  • I understand that ASB requires a serious time commitment, and it is a priority in my schedule and may require additional commitments.
  • I understand that ASB members are viewed as leaders on campus and are expected to uphold the qualities of a leader at all times.
  • I understand that disciplinary/Supervision issues, attendance issues, and/or issues with grades may disqualify me from ASB.
  • I understand that a term in ASB is for one full school year.

The following are the ASB Leadership Expectations of Behavior.

  • I will lead by example and represent ASB in a manner that aligns with school spirit, leadership, and campus culture.
  • I will lead by example and act as a leader and ASB representative on campus, during class, and at school functions.
  • I will lead by example and actively curtail bullying; if I witness bullying I will report it. I will lead by example and reach out beyond my friend group to be inclusive of all
  • students and student voices.
    I will lead by example and treat WHS staff and students with respect and
  • encourage my peers to do the same.
    I will lead by example and do my best to be punctual, attend all of my classes, and
  • attend all ASB events.


On average, students are expected to commit approximately 2-5 hours per week outside of class. However, certain times of the year may require more time commitment (such as preparing for the start of school or Homecoming week.) Students are expected to participate in any activities that take place on campus, during school hours, as that is part of our school day.

  • I am capable of prioritizing ASB in my schedule and committing the time required of those on ASB.

Academic Honesty Policy

Committing acts of academic dishonesty, aiding others in acts of academic dishonesty, or failure to notify staff of any observations of acts of academic dishonesty will result in immediate review and may lead to removal from ASB.

As a Westminster High School ASB Member, I have read and understand the school policies, and the consequences if I choose to violate them. I am aware that failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in my dismissal as an ASB Member.